Upper Arlington Library: Lamps let patrons to ‘see the light’ for therapy

2022-09-24 11:19:45 By : Ms. FCAR DIAGNOSIS

Upper Arlington Public Library patrons now have access to lamps that medical experts say can help ward off seasonal blues and depression and combat sleep disorders and even jet lag.

Over the past several years, officials at the three branches have sought to build materials resources in less-than-typical ways.

Beyond books, magazines, DVDs, CDs and vinyl records, the library has added items like TV antennas, WiFi hotspots and "invention kits" that enable youths and others to explore science, technology, engineering and mathematics concepts and lessons.

"We’ve always aimed to serve our patrons in a variety of ways," said Kate Porter, the library’s assistant director. "In addition to books and media, UA relies on us for things like meeting rooms, study spaces, research help and fun events.

"Offering new kinds of items for patrons is just another way to meet the needs of our community."

On Sept. 1, the library’s latest non-traditional resource − six therapy lamps − became available. The Circadian Optics Light Therapy Lamps are UV-free. Users simply plug them in, press the power button and relax while sitting in front of them.

It's recommended the lamps be placed 16 to 24 inches away from the face. Users should keep their eyes open, but not look directly at the light, for about 20-30 minutes per day.

A March 30, 2022, article by the Mayo Clinic said the lamps can be particularly helpful in treating seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a type of depression that typically occurs each year during fall and winter.

"A light therapy box mimics outdoor light," the article stated. "It's thought that this type of light may cause a chemical change in the brain that lifts your mood and eases other symptoms of SAD, such as being tired most of the time and sleeping too much."

Dr. Samar McCutcheon, a psychiatrist with Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center and an associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral health in the OSU College of Medicine, said she recommends that people consult with a primary care physician before using therapy lamps because it's important to have a clinical assessment to verify that such treatment will be beneficial.

"If your symptoms are consistent with seasonal affective disorder, treatment options to consider include lifestyle interventions, antidepressants, light therapy and psychotherapy," McCutcheon said. "For mild to moderate seasonal affective disorder, some may opt to use light therapy alone.

"Light therapy is administered with a 10,000-lux light box used daily in the morning for approximately 30 minutes. For comparison, a typical household light bulb is around 100 lux. You can expect to see an improvement in symptoms within a few weeks of daily light box use."

McCutcheon noted possible side effects "are generally mild, but could include worsening of other psychiatric disorders, headaches or eye strain."

Library officials also said it's recommended that people use light therapy under the care of a health professional if they have a condition that makes their skin especially sensitive to light, such as systemic lupus erythematosus; if they take medications that increase sensitivity to sunlight; if they have an eye condition that makes their eyes vulnerable to light damage; or if they have bipolar disorder.

Nancy Byron, Miller Park Branch associate and project coordinator, said the Friends of the Library provided the $365 grant to purchase the six lamps and their protective cases.

She said the library has offered a variety of books on mental health, stress relief, anxiety and self-care. The lamps were added as the library prepares to launch a “You Are Not Alone” awareness campaign in October designed to provide families with resources they need to explore various mental health issues, learn about community resources, gather information and break the stigma of asking for help.

"We chose October for this campaign since it dovetails with World Mental Health Day on Oct. 10 and Mental Health Awareness Week, observed Oct. 2-8," Byron said.

Depression rates in the U.S. more than tripled during the early part of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an October 2021 study at Boston and Brown universities. Those rates have continued to increase, now affecting one in three Americans, according to research from the Boston University School of Public Health.

"Light therapy boxes were initially designed to combat seasonal affective disorder but can also be used to help alleviate general depression as well as sleeping disorders and even jet lag,” Byron said. “We believed that adding light therapy boxes to our lending collection could help patrons struggling with these conditions and would give them a chance to 'try out' these lamps for free before investing in one of their own."

To reserve a lamp, go to tinyurl.com/mt7cnbn8 and search for “light therapy lamp.” Lamps circulate for 28 days and are not eligible for automatic renewals.

They can be picked up at any of the three locations, and must be returned in person, not in the book drops, Byron said.

Byron added that library officials expect the lamps to be in high demand in the upcoming winter months.

"We encourage people to visit our catalog and reserve one so they’ll be placed on the waiting list, if necessary," she said.